
Showing posts from November, 2020

What is the most effective treatment for termites?

Before we talk about the methods of termite control, it is essential to know whether there is really any termite manifestation in your home? Yes, sometimes, people get confused between ants and termites. Termites can be exposed easily by probing into woods for hollow spots. You can use a simple flathead screwdriver to test that. Can you see any swarms (winged stage of the termite)? If yes, then examine them carefully. Swarms of termites have equal-length wings. Their antennas are straight, sometimes droop. Swarms of ants have unequal sized wings; the front ones are longer than the hind ones. Their antennas are bent at the right angle. If you can find plenty of swarms, then it indicates manifestation. You need to take corrective measures.  If you do not find any swarms, still it is better to take the following preventive measures. Prevention of termites Make your home uninteresting for termites When the concrete foundation is strong and there is a space for ventilation between the s...